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Ampere NMR School Wierzba 2006

Last year I have attended Poznań School of Bioinformatics Bioinformatics.

This year I decided to attend Ampere XIV NMR School organized by Institute of Physics of UAM , by division of Macromolecular Physics Fizyka , from 24.6.2006-1.7.2006.School

It took place in Poznan and Wierzba.First 3 days with tutorial lectures and included practice visit in the MRI laboratory of Institute of Physics of PAN (at Smoluchowski street).I could observe how the MRI images were made, with the help of Bruker 300 MHZ spectroscope, of different objects , including cherry fruit. Prof Pi¶lewski also shown us their “museum” with the old supercoducting magnets , up to 2.5 Tesla, still running.They have once produced EPR spectroscopes, their specialized company RadioPAN has sold about 100 spectroscopes to Soviet Union.He claimed they are still ready to produce supercoducting magnets.So if You need one, You know what to do.

Second part , took place in beautiful place, namely Wierzba, it is closed conference centre, owned by Warsaw PAN, placed in close neigbourhood of Polish Pony(small horses,like tarpan) reservate, and very close to Sniardwy, the greatest of Masurian Lakes.

Events in Wierzba consisted of lecture and poster sessions.Many top scientists in NMR field were invited.

Very exciting excursion took place on Wednesday, namely the trip along ¦niardwy lake, but on board of Polish greatest inland sailboat “Chopin”. It is more ship than boat, it measures about 40m in length, with 300 sq meters of sails, and can take about 70 people on board.Really beautiful old sailboat,built in Płock, having his main port in Mikołajki .

We have also visited scientific station in the Polish Pony reservate, they have also other wild animals there , for example deers(jelenie,daniele) ,beevers(bobry) and Polish bisons (żubry).

Ampere NMR School Bukowina 2007 , 24.6-31.6.2007

This , 2007 year, I was also with the Ampere school . This time in beautiful Bukowina Tatrzańska, near Zakopane . In the hotel “Rysy” we had not only fantastic panorama view of Tatra mountains, but also nice rooms and very good food(and California wine too).Not to speeak about suprisingly good and refreshing weather. One excursion on Dunajec river in Pieniny mountains was organized, we were also one afternoon in Zakopane itself, the most famous town in Tatras.Prof Mitchell from Leipzig has given us a beutiful organ concert in Bukowina new chappell(church).

During way home I was impressed by the old railway station in Cracow, built once in 19 century, in Austro-Hungarian empire style and now quite well preserved.

The scientific program was similar to that in 2006 year and has allowed me to refresh my NMR knowledge.I decided finally to read classic Abragam book and after the school I have purchased it via Internet, really very good book from 60'ties.On its 600 pages it contains much more details than typically educated physicist finds on few pages in the standard book of Kittel.