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About the author
Andrzej Popielewicz, born 21 Juni 1950 in Poznan, Poland. PhD in theoretical physics in A.Mickiewicz University in Poznan UAM . 1 year grant in Oxford University in 1980(obtained from Polish Ministry of Education). During my staying in Oxford :
- 1980 1 week Nato Summer school on nonlinear Physics in Banff (Canada , Rocky Mountains) co-funded by Oxford University
- 1980 Attendance in conference in Entschede Netherlands
4 years working as assistant(wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter) in J.Liebig University in Giessen Germany 1981-1985. 2 years 1986-1987 in computer centre of GSI ( Heavy Ion Nuclear Centre) in Darmstadt in Germany, working as wissenshchaftliche Mitarbeiter on IBM 3090 mainframe and FPS attached unit, vector assembler optimisations. 6 years 1987-1993 as system analyst in Danet Gmbh in Darmstadt Germany , working in 3090 computer centre : VTAM,IUCV,MVS, NCP, NPSI, X25, Virtual Machine OS, AS 400,SNA, 3270, IPO, APPC/CPI in OS2, etc all that IBM stuff, TCP/IP in OS2 and Sun(sockets).Danet was a supplier of OSI software for IBM itself , like OTSS , X400 etc. Since 1993 in Poland again. 1993-1994 programming first Polish online ATM server for French company Deloque Poland,server written in Borland C, using X25,in Netware environment with Btrieve. Small Windows database projects in ACCESS and FoxPro. Java fan and programmer. VB programmer.C++Builder programmer. In 1996-1999 HP/UX system/network administrator, Windows95 network administrator and system administrator of the banking COBOL application ZORBA in the state bank PKO BP in Poznan. Since 1.8.1999 till 10.10.2000 employed as an analyst/designer/programmer in a DomDatasoftware house in Poznan (with majority of German capital). During this year working in an AS400 financial COBOL/DB2 project as programmer, programming new and upgrading old modules concerning comission(brokerage) for DIFA investment fond in Hamburg.
Now once again a free lance programmer.
Since October 2001 having a computer science oriented postdoc position at the A.Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland.