LanDiBase |
30.10.1998 LanDiBase CommanderLanDiBase has two file managers, local and network one. We decided to separate this LanDiBase component as a separate product. It is called LanDiBase Commander and it works in Linux (client and server) and WindowsNT 4.0(server only). It means You can for example from Linux client see and manage the files on WindowsNT computer. It is written in C/C++, it means it is very fast. It is a simple and robust tool, working in text mode ,which allows to manage local and network files. It is not "emulator" of Norton Commander like midnight commander. It works in two modes : |
LanDiBase Commander, nasz najnowszy produkt w technologii LanDiBase. To proste ale bardzo silne narzędzie, pozwalające korzystać z plików i drukarek lokalnie i w sieci , dla Linuxa i WindowsNT(95,98), w trybie tekstowym. Wersja dla Linuxa zawiera programy klienta i serwera, wersja dla WindowsNT tylko program serwera. Popiera oczywiście polskie czcionki, i nie jest "emulacją" Norton Commandera. Działa w dwóch trybach :