Andrzej Popielewicz->Free downloads
LanPerf, simple performance test for Intel platform
download 3d benchmark 1.0 -for WindowsNT/98/2000.
download 3d benchmark 1.1 -for WindowsNT/98/2000.
download 3d benchmark 1.2 -for WindowsNT/98/2000/XP. info
The results of this last version of the program can sometimes look astonishingly.For example the times for GeForce 2 MX 64MB card are similar for both cases: K6 300 MHZ, and Athlon 1600+ XP.The reason for that is probably the fact, that this card has its own processor which does the job and has of course the same speed in both cases. I have obtained this result in NT4 using original driver from NVidia.
Jedit simple programmer editor for WindowsNT/XP,Solaris 8 and RedHat 6 written in Java
Configuration for XP Professional :
download newest jdk from Sun, for example 1.6.0_14, it will install in c:\Sun\SDK.
Open line command widow application and unpack downloaded jar file
jar xvf jedwin.jar
install jedit using install.bat , it will create c:\jedit and copy files into it
cd c:\jedit
jar xvf jedit.jar
edit html,java and xml def files. For example in case of html.def , You have to specify explicitly the locations of the insertions, for example in case of 3 insertions it could look like that :
where html is the file containing template with <html> tag etc.
You can start jedit with command : java Jedit .It will work only in jedit directory.
If You want to start being in another directory You have to enter :
java -classpath c:\jedit Jedit
Above method allows for having different def files in different directories, depending on the project
Create shortcut on the desktop, giving the following value of the target location
C:\Sun\SDK\jdk\bin\java.exe -classpath c:\jedit Jedit
In the above case You have also to define starting directory of the application, If You enter c:\ then def files from c:\ will be taken etc, if there are any there. For the beginning set c:\jedit as starting directory.You can define more shortcuts for different starting directories.
Download instructions for Netscape