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Enterprise Edition of LanDiBase for Windows NT 4

New version of LanDiBase for Windows NT offers now the capabilities , which were previously available in the Netsword Enterprise Edition for Linux/Solaris and in the Enterprise Edition for Java platform. It supports :

  • multithreading
  • full synchronization of database acceses
  • clustering (Load balancing)
  • replication
  • distributed databases
  • Internet protocols, it can be used in Internet, Intranet or Extranet
  • strong encryption , using Microsoft implementation of RSA; it is not SSL, but automatic key exchange is used(no certificates are neccessary)
  • it is written with C++Builder
  • Visual C++ 6 version in development
Do not expect everything from LanDiBase. It is simple, stable and robust system , it is "lightweight" system.

KOSOF (alias names ENMAS, ENIM)

KOSOF is the integrated system of information managment for an enterprise. It is one of the applications available which use the above mentioned new version of LanDiBase technology. It is the fundament , on the base of which any specific project will be implemented. Of course , because every enterprise is unique , it should be customized and modified and many new features should be added . Usually after obtaining the specification from the customer and signing the contract it will require some time to make the KOSOF workable for You.