HTTP protocol , it means that You can communicate and start the Java applications from within the standard www browser like IE or Netscape. The output of the result of the calling the method of the class will be sent and displayed in the browser. Husar I can serve as a normal http server. Java method on the server is called with the help of html FORM tag. It means the code for calling Java method can be imbedded in the standard html file. You can call it Husar Gateway Interface(HGI). Husar version 1 does not support CGI , JSP or PHP.
- Only subset of http protocol is supported
- It supports HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1, it means it works with IE and Netscape. Was tested with IE5 in Windows NT 4 and Netscape in Linux 6.0/7.0 and Solaris 8. It means it supports persistent connections
- All kind of html pages including images can be used.
- FORM tag can be used only for calling methods of Java classes as mentioned above.
- Safety :No transfer of files is possible from the server to the client. Only html content and images. For file transfer use redirection.
- Husar Broker , consisting of set of Java classes , which enable to communicate with the Husar and Sydney server(to start the applications on the server) from within any of Your client Java class (or Java enabled), for example from Your EJB, from Your JSP(Java server page) etc
- Statefull sessions(connection oriented) when using husar broker
- scalability, it means scalable number of users
- object pooling
- page caching
- builtin firewall