Print Control for Windows NT 4 workstation Version 2New features
- Printing quotas, it means You can not only monitor what was printed but set the number of pages , which can be printed.
- New functions, for reporting purposes.
- More detailed information in log
It supports :
- Windows NT 4 Workstation
- Up to 100 printers(on local LPT/COM and TCP ports) managed by Your PC, it means locally installed. It was tested with HP DeskJet 690C but no dependency on specific vendor hardware exists.
It consists of :
- System software, runs as system process
- System software installer
- Administrator software
- Administrator software installer
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Installation Installation guide in html form is installed by the setup program.
Network printers If printer attached to Your PC via Ethernet printer server is seen as a locally managed printer(see the diagnostics ), our system should work in this case.
22.7.2002 Network printer test PrintControl was tested succesfully with Ethernet printer server JAHT PS-101.It is a single port print server supporting IPX and NETBEUI protocol.
USB printers There is no USB support for NT4 . But because Windows2000 supports USB out of the box, it is possible , that our system will work in this case. No tests were made.
- PrintControl was written with C++Builder 3 and Visual C++ 6, so You should not install on computer with other versions of these tools installed.
- It was tested in NT4 Workstation with Service Pack 6 and IE 6. Probably will work also with Service Pack 4 and IE5,
- We did NOT test in NT4 Server environment. The possible solution for NT Server environment is to install the system on one of the workstations in the domain, attach local printers to it and make the printers sharable. Recent tests in NT Server suggest, that the program might work even for NT server environment. See diagnostics.
10.7.2002 Diagnostics If You are not sure if the program will work in Your environment , download our diagnostics tool. If Your printers are in the list of found local printers, there is a good chance , that PrintControl will work in Your environment. Send us the output produced by the tool, so we can help You more.